Liam Hodgetts

Photo of Liam

About Liam

With a background in social anthropology, Liam joins Bunnyfoot as a UX consultant specialising in qualitative research. He is always keen to listen to business objectives and deploy research methods to achieve business goals. Liam is driven by an complimentary interest in UX strategy; ensuring the voice of the end user is always heard in UX strategy creation and maintenance.

Liam has conducted research across several industries including retail, engineering, infrastructure, insurance & construction. Liam has been involved with projects at varying points of digital product development, allowing for a perspective on best practice throughout the user centred design process.

When not at his desk, Liam enjoys the outdoors and nature. You’ll find him going on hikes, visiting nature reserves and national heritage sites. Playing video games and adding to his vinyl record collection also keep Liam busy