Understanding the value of usability – notes from the @UKUPA event on UX and ROIEvents 22nd July 201128th April 2020 | Nick Antram
Understanding the value of usability – UPA event on the ROI of UXEvents 21st July 201110th September 2020 | David Williams
Boden share their experiences of international user centred design with a live Q&AEvents 27th June 201128th April 2020 | David Williams
Children are the stars of World Usability DayEvents 12th November 201010th September 2020 | Clare Lambert
Children learn usability is the key to great communication toolsEvents 25th October 201028th April 2020 | Clare Lambert
Bunnyfoot Digital Masterclass – raising money for CAREEvents 4th August 201015th April 2020 | Neil Collman