You know your website or app needs to be accessible but you are unsure what that means or where to start. Maybe you are not even sure if your website or app needs to be accessible (hint: it does).
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Bunnyfoot have been running regular webinar information shares on a range of topics from remote research, customer journey mapping to last week’s topic of accessibility. We had an astounding 380 registrations from some of the UK’s top brands.
This webinar covers:
- Where to start with accessibility
- Accessible but not necessarily usable
- Assumptions we make about people with disabilities
- Accessibility user testing is even more ‘powerful’ than usability testing and what you need to consider when doing it
Bunnyfoot accessibility specialists John Goodall and Cathy Covell talk about how you can identify problematic areas of your website or app, and what you can do to start improving accessibility.
Need help with Accessibility?
Bunnyfoot have been helping companies improve the accessibility of their products for over 22 years.
If you would like support with your service, we can help in a wide variety of ways (an audit with clear prioritised recommendations, accessibility user testing of your service, accessibility strategy or our practical accessibility training course) – get in touch, we’d love to talk.