In case you’re wondering why every November men start to look…different. They suddenly become fresh faced but as the month goes on fluff starts to accumulate on their top lip. You wonder if it’s a new fashion, or maybe some kind of disease…
…It’s Movember, the month formerly known as November, now dedicated to growing moustaches and raising awareness and funds for men’s health; specifically prostate and testicular cancer. Many of the guys at Bunnyfoot are donating their top lips to the cause for 30 days in an effort to help change the face of men’s health. These Mo’s will spark conversations, and no doubt generate some laughs; all in the name of raising vital awareness and funds for cancers affecting men.
Why are we so passionate about men’s health?
- 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime
- This year 37,000 new cases of the disease will be diagnosed
- 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime
- 26% of men are less likely to go the doctor compared to women
We’re asking you to support our Movember campaign by making a donation online, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese..
If you’d like to find out more about the type of work you’d be helping to fund by supporting Movember, take a look at the Programmes We Fund section on the Movember website:
Thank you in advance for supporting our efforts to change the face of men’s health. More pictures to come! Follow our Twitter @bunnyfootsays for the latest