As restrictions continue in this difficult season, most people in the UK are staying at home now and whilst this brings many challenges and frustrations, it also presents a huge research opportunity to better understand household dynamics and interaction with products and services from within the home.
Gather rich data about your users
One of the best ways to do this is through mobile ethnography. At Bunnyfoot, our expert researchers work with clients across all sorts of industries to design ethnographic studies that help them to uncover what they need to know.
For example, we recently conducted an online diary study for a national communications client where 25 participants across 15 households were asked to record their feelings, behaviours and interactions with the client’s digital service in their own homes over 7 consecutive days. Live moderation via an online system enabled our research team to monitor and interact with participants’ between 7am and midnight each day; meaning our researchers could respond to and probe participants at the time they were reporting interactions to gain deeper insights.
Over the course of the week participants uploaded over 1660 data points which were analysed through a number of different ‘lenses,’ including behavioural themes, times of day and household make-up. These were followed up in telephone interview debriefs with each household. Ultimately this research enabled us to create ‘household personas’ and make actionable recommendations for improvements to the client’s service.
We are currently seeing a surge in the number of people applying to be participants in our remote research, including diary studies like this, and our recruitment team Bunnyfield have vast experience in selecting the right participants for each study to ensure robust and valuable research outcomes.
Get in touch if you’d like to discuss how mobile ethnography could take your team to the next level in understanding your users.