We’re thrilled to say we have hit another milestone, over 300 people have now taken our Certified Practitioner of User Experience (CPUX) course.
Bunnyfoot were the first UK organisation to run the CPUX course (in association with the UX Qualification Board) back in 2015 when the first round of delegates were trained by UX guru Rolf Molich. Since then, we have trained over 300 people not only in the UK but throughout Europe from organisations like the NHS, BT, Visa, JP Morgan, The British Heart Foundation, Sony and many others.
What people are saying about the course?
“Really enjoyed the course at Bunnyfoot! It gave me a good overview of human centred design, and our teacher helped us understand how this fitted with latest industry practice, and it put me in a good position for the exam!”
Digital e-Commerce Conversion Manager, Lloyds Banking group“I found the course to be really inspiring. The group work and the use cases we worked through really brought the topic to life. Our tutor provided excellent advice and training. I’m really thrilled I passed!”
Digital Community Manager, Unilever“This course gave me the knowledge to talk about human-centred design with so much more confidence and I’m really looking forward to putting the skills and information I’ve learned into use at my new role. The course was expertly run and it was great to learn alongside others in the field. There was a really good balance of learning and practical activities. I’m delighted to be certified!”
Specialist Editor (User Experience), BUPA
Which certification is right for me?
The CPUX-Foundation course is a great way for those who are newer to the world of UX to acquire the essential knowledge and skills of established usability testing conventions. This covers usability principles, how to gather and specify user requirements, step-by-step approach to running a usability test – and much more. The Foundation course is required to be eligible to take the more advanced User Testing certification course.
The CPUX-User Testing course takes a deep-dive into multiple aspects of usability testing. Just some of the things trainees learn include how to recruit participants, how to measure usability, how to analyse results, ethical guidelines for usability tests and the all-important understanding of how to “sell” usability testing (and the results) to colleagues. The course also covers how to decide which usability evaluation methodologies to use in different circumstances, as well as looking at the disadvantages and advantages of each.
Both the Foundation and User Testing course are conducted using real-world examples to make sure trainees gain a thorough and practical understanding of what’s being discussed.
How will I be graded?
Our CPUX courses are independently assessed by the International Usability and User Experience Qualification Board (UXQB).
To gain both the Foundation and User Testing certification, trainees have to pass theory tests that ask several multiple-choice questions – some even have more than one correct answer. Those taking the User Testing course will also have a practical exam, where they’ll be asked to conduct a minimum of three usability test sessions (with participants) and must also submit reports of their findings.
Networking opportunities
It’s not all lectures and exams, there is time for networking and discussion too. Phil Hornby, Senior Consultant at Product Focus, who attended our CPUX Foundation course has since discussed the roles of product managers and user experience professionals with Dr Rebecca Gill (course tutor on the London course). Phil summarised some of his thoughts in a blog post titled ‘The fight over the customer’. Phil makes an important point about the benefit of attending training to help you understand better the roles of your colleagues to support better collaboration. As well as our UX training courses you might be interested in the product management training offered by Product Focus.
At Bunnyfoot, we’re the UK’s leading CPUX provider and run more than 10 other UX training courses. If you’re interested in taking the CPUX-User Testing Certification, the CPUX-Foundation course or any of our other courses, please get in touch for more information!
When is the next course?
- Certified Practitioner in User Experience – Foundation
- Certified Practitioner in User Experience – User Testing Certification
- All Bunnyfoot’s UX training courses