Last Thursday we hosted the latest of our regular seminar/workshops in London. These workshops always have a service design, UX strategy or customer research focus, and we like to involve all attendees in activities rather than be just passive observers.
This time we were joined by guest speaker Chris Pitt from big data supremos Vertical Leap, who explained how to integrate multiple sources into SEO and customer intelligence and how to identify the targets for UX improvements based on big data. I then went onto outline the importance of qualitative research and behavioural insights – I did a few of my research party tricks and thankfully they all worked (they don’t always but it is usually due to small samples!).
Afterwards, we collectively as a room discussed and workshopped the full spectrum of customer research techniques – and plotted the techniques on a matrix with dimensions: ‘qualitative to quantitative’ v ‘attitudinal to behavioural’ (sounds complicated but it isn’t). I’ll write a follow up in due course that shows how our collective efforts (70 clients plus our consultant facilitators) compared to some published schemas for where the myriad of research approaches lie – and when they should be used to their best effect.
I was delighted to see a packed house and we had great feedback about the usefulness of the session. If you want to join us on the next one then please contact us.