How should we view the practice of usability testing? Are we ‘unruly artists’ who have the ability make up the processes as we go, or are we moving into a mature field where standardised methodologies are important? This was just one of the things Rolf Molich, a UX pioneer, discussed with our audience at our last half-day UX workshop, ‘What “Good” Looks Like in Usability Testing‘.

Using findings from CUE-10 – as well as his extensive experience in the industry – Rolf’s interactive talk covered a myriad of topics within usability. This included not only the basics (what a usability test actually is, and the benefits of conducting one) but also learnings that will benefit more advanced practitioners, such as how to brief participants properly and, to go back to our earlier question, why certification – like our CPUX course – is important because it ensures we all ‘speak the same language’ and conform to the same standards.

Following Rolf’s talk, we ran a UX Clinic, where attendees were invited to volunteer their website to be tested – they could either moderate (guided by one of the Bunnyfoot team) or act as a participant.

Websites we tested in the clinic included ITV, Guide Dogs, BT, EDF Energy… and plenty of others!
We were so happy with the way the day was received and are grateful to everyone who attended and took part. Watch this space for details about the next one, coming February 2019!
We’re the UK’s leading UX consultancy. Our usability testing focuses on evidence – we test real people while they perform real tasks on a website or app. If you’d like to know more about what we do or would like to be kept up to date with details of our next workshop, get in touch!
Find out more:
- Blog: UX On The Front Line – Workshop Recap
- Blog: The Art of Moderation in UX
- Training course: CPUX-Foundation Certification