The centre for Human Computer Interaction Design (HCID) at City, University of London had its open day on Thursday 27th April.
Bunnyfoot sponsored the day that attracted UX professionals, career changers and students from various backgrounds. The day consisted of many different talks and workshops contrinbuting to the ‘Bootstrap UX’ theme. All were from a mix of industry and academia including Google, The Alzheimer’s Society and Bunnyfoot.
Our Service Design Specialist, Aimée Windsor Brown delivered Bunnfoot’s talk: Designing services that close the gap between expectations and perceptions. It explored the importance of understanding customer expectations and perceptions when designing services, as well as some practical tools to utilise.
Interested in finding out more about Service Design? Why not book on to our one-day Fundamentals of Service Design course?
- Course: Fundamentals of Service Design
- Blog: Read the conference round up of Service Design in government
- Bunnyfoot: See more about our services