Today is World Usability Day and the theme for the tenth anniversary is ‘Innovation’.
The official website of World Usability Day states that “Innovation in User Experience means that people can do what they need and want to, with technology, products and services that enhance their experience”, and their message, which we wholeheartedly agree with is:
“No-one should have to suffer through products and services that get in their way. People should not be made to feel stupid by technology.”
Since the day Bunnyfoot started, way back in 1999, we continue our commitment to creating a more usable world with every project we undertake. Today alone, we are running a sold out course Designing for the Human Mind/Brain, we are working on a huge variety of projects with a killer list of clients and are once again the proud sponsors of the User Experience UK Awards.
We’ll be publishing a summary of the UXUK Awards 2015, with all the winners tomorrow. If you want all the news as it happens, follow our live Twitter feed @bunnyfootsays and @uxukawards
Want to learn more?
- UXUK Awards website
- Training Course: Designing for the Human Mind/Brain training