Jon Dixon – Senior Interaction Designer at Bunnyfoot- is set to deliver a talk at UX Brighton 2013 on the importance of understanding the psychological drivers of a person – their motivations, needs and fears, when developing a user centred design.
About UX Brighton 2013
at The Corn Exchange, Brighton, UX Brighton is a one day psychology conference for people working on digital products. Eight thought provoking speakers have been carefully chosen to talk about how theory and research influences the way we create websites. UX Brighton 2013 blends the worlds of the practical, the theoretical, the commercial and the academic to create new connections and highlight the foundations of designing for User Experience.
Jon Dixon’s speech is titled “Pretending for a living: why actors are all UX Designers” and focuses on how User Centred Design is all about putting the person at the heart of the design. To do this successfully the UX practitioner needs to understand both the psychological drivers of that person – their motivations, needs and fears, both hidden and expressed – as well as the overall situation in which that person is operating. This can sometimes seem daunting. But actors have been doing a very similar thing for years. Jon asks the question “Can we as UX professionals perhaps learn from their strategies and techniques to better understand our prospective users both from the ‘inside out’ and the ‘outside in’?”
For further information and to book your ticket visit the UX Brighton 2013.