Thanks to everyone who helped us to raise £1,030 for Movember!

For the past month, the Bunnyfoot Mo Bro’s have banded together in hairy solidarity to raise money for men’s health charities through the Movember movement. Starting clean shaven and baby-faced on November 1st they have suffered (along with their girlfriends) with only a mild bit of whinging about stubble, itchiness, ginger bits, bald patches and stuck food. By the end of the month we have been treated to a glorious display of bushy upper lips, and I have to say I for one am going to miss them!
Congratulations to Kelley – our biggest fundraiser. And yes, Kelley is a girl. Some of our Mo Sistas gave the boys a little kick up the arse keeping us entertained with regular updates of their fingertaches right through to the bushy glory of an Einstein inspired stick on for the final few days. It may be cheating slightly – but hey, it’s all for a good cause!
The funds raised in the UK support the number one and two male specific cancers – prostate and testicular cancer. It’s an issue that needs tackling all year round, so please do still come and give donations, just because Movember is over for another year, doesn’t mean the work is!
You can find our motley crew under the Bunnyfoot Mo Bros or search for your favourite consultant and give them a push. Is it Kelley, the Mo Sista who put the boys to shame? Maybe the Big Boss, Jon Dodd who is never afraid to sport a new look in the name of charity? The team captain who made it all possible, Jamie? Or perhaps you feel sorry for James who has tried so hard, but remained looking baby-faced with his blond tache throughout? Or just spare some pennies for your favourite consultant!
Many thanks!