Following on From Robert Stevens talk at the Usability Professionals Association in Hong Kong on ‘Why You Need Eyetracking’ he will be talking about the same hot topic, but this time in the form of a debate UK UPA, 20th May 2009.
Taking opposite sides of the argument will be Kara Pernice, Managing Director of Nielsen Norman Group, debating why you do not need to use eye-tracking for web usability studies, and Robert Stevens, Co-founder of Bunnyfoot telling us why you absolutely positively must.
The event promises to be lively and informative and there will be a vote at the end. Make sure you come along and hear the compelling arguments as well as have your say at the end!
About the Speakers Robert and Kara…
Kara Pernice has more than 15 years of experience in evaluating usability in the areas of collaboration, document management, graphics and multimedia, database design, and handheld devices. She has also been a user interaction designer for products ranging from Web calendar applications, to dictation devices for radiologists, to server monitoring programs.
She has been involved in planning and designing state-of-the-art usability labs; has conducted hundreds of lab studies; many remote studies, field studies, and surveys. She may be best known for practicing and championing using video in usability, as a tool for analyzing, presenting, and teaching.
Robert Stevens – Since Co-Founding Bunnyfoot Robert has helped grow Bunnyfoot into a world leading behavioural research consultancy and developed and validated the Post Experience Eye-tracked Protocol (PEEP) methodology in conjunction with the University of Lancaster. He has also led the development of SuperVisual – Bunnyfoot’s own eye-tracking application developed to meet the specific needs of customers who require benefit led quantitative and qualitative research.
If you would like to attend please book a ticket.